Honey Bees / Suicide Prevention #21-30

around the house master remodelers radio

Beekeeping & Suicide Prevention Week

Episode 30 of Around the House features a beekeeper who shares helpful facts about honey bees, honey consumption, crop pollination, and apiaries.  Did you know 3 out of every 4 bites you put in your mouth come from crops that have been pollinated by bees?  In the second hour, Dawn talks with a mental health expert about Suicide Prevention Week, Sept. 5-11, 2021.  This information may save the life of someone you love..


Guests this episode:
7:00am  Lynda Rizzardi, Knox County Beekeepers Association
8:00am  Alisa LaPolt, NAMI Tennessee

Tune in every Saturday morning at 7:00am to hear Around the House live on Newstalk 98.7FM / WOKI.

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